Mexico – Audio Bibles for The Huichol (4-2-002)

Distribution:500 Audio Bible Players for Discipleship and Evangelism
Funding Total:$14,000

Email [email protected] and reference Project ID: 4-2-002 to support this project

There is an urgent need for lightweight, solar powered audio Bibles to be carried into the mountains of Durango so that Huichol believers can experience the Word of God as they face persecution at the hands of their own family and friends. By partnering with a local ministry that has been serving the Huichol for nearly 30 years, we have the opportunity to empower these persecuted believers. 

The Huichol people have been marginalized and nearly forgotten by the Mexican government. They live in mountainous regions that are difficult to access. They have historically held fast to animistic beliefs and rejected Catholicism, the country’s major religion. These factors have led to vast illiteracy and low rates of conversion among this indigenous group. 

Even so, evangelistic efforts have borne fruit in recent years, as many Huichol people have come to know Christ as Lord and Savior. Despite these conversions, many still have difficulties letting go of animistic traditions. Christians are treated as outcasts because of the Huichol’s strong opposition to religions outside their tribal animism. This, combined with the inability to engage with God’s written Word, leaves them at risk of returning to animistic beliefs. They need God’s Word in audio format to strengthen their resolve to follow Christ.

Email [email protected] and reference Project ID: 4-2-002 to support this project or to find out more.

Watch the video below to learn about our previous distributions for Mexico.





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