Mexico – Audio Bibles for Mexico’s Illiterate, Indigenous Churches (4-1-002)

Distribution:1,680 Audio Bible Players for Discipleship and Evangelism
Funding Total:$48,000

Email [email protected] and reference Project ID: 4-1-002 to support this project.

Indigenous churches in Mexico are at constant threat of severe persecution. Followers of Christ are thrown out of their communities, beaten, and often left for dead. Many of these believers grew up in poverty and did not learn to read. They come from oral traditions, where education and study happens verbally. In order for their faith to be strengthened in the wake of severe pressure from their society, these brothers and sisters in Christ need God’s Word in audio format. 

Hundreds of Indigenous Pastors will gather at a congress led by the Concilio General de las Asambleas de Dios en México. This ministry has been serving indigenous churches since the mid-90s with a network spanning across the country. The Digital Bible Society and its partners will provide much needed Audio Bibles and digital discipleship resources to the 800 participants in this congress as a tool for their local ministries. This congress provides an ideal opportunity to reach out to the 300 indigenous groups within Mexico, the country’s population which is most at-risk of deadly persecution.

Email [email protected] and reference Project ID: 4-1-002 to support this project or find out more.

Watch the video below to learn about our previous distributions for Mexico.





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