Tag: Article

  • A Theological and Biblical Basis for Making Scripture Engagement the Priority for Healthy Global Church Development

    A Theological and Biblical Basis for Making Scripture Engagement the Priority for Healthy Global Church Development

    There are at least 500 million Christians who want a personal Bible for their own spiritual growth, who do not have one. The logistic and economic challenges of distribution of Scripture keep these believers without a Bible or New Testament for their spiritual nourishment

  • A Theological Basis for Closing the Bible Gap

    A Theological Basis for Closing the Bible Gap

    Jesus wants everyone of His children to have access to His Word. The first step to being a believer and follower of Jesus is to be able to engage with Jesus’ teaching. Jesus puts this responsibility upon us, the Church to make sure this happens. This is the Churches’ job. After “going”, making disciples is…

  • What Is the Bible Gap? Part III

    What Is the Bible Gap? Part III

    Why is this problem occurring? What are the factors that are contributing to this great tragedy plaguing the Church? In todays’ blog, I will look at some research that will help explain these factors.

  • What Is the Bible Gap? Part II

    What Is the Bible Gap? Part II

    The Bible Gap is the gap that exists between those Christians who have a Bible for their personal use, and those Christians who want a Bible or New Testament that is already available, but are prevented from receiving one. It is a devastating problem because there are over 700 million believers who are without a…

  • What Is the Bible Gap? Part I

    What Is the Bible Gap? Part I

    In recent years, there has been a lot written on such subjects as “Bible Poverty” and “Bible Literacy.” Experience has shown us that the Bible has the most impact in a person’s life if they can read it or hear it in what we call a person’s “heart language.”