Author: Bere Cowpersmith
Colombia – Audio Bibles for the Amazon Region (5-1-002B)
Distribution: 3,000 Audio Bible Players Funding Total: $52,500
Colombia – Audio Bibles for Indigenous Believers in Colombia (5-1-001)
Distribution: 500 Audio Bible Players Funding Total: $15,500
Digital Bibles for Asian People Groups in Texas
The gift of a Digital Bible opens the door for Asian immigrants to find Truth.
India – Audio Bibles for New Believers in India (1-1-001A)
Distribution: 1,200 Audio Bible Players Funding Total: $36,000
Children Amazed At Bible Stories In Their Language: A Story From The Amazon
The Wotuja children sat in complete silence as they heard God’s Word in their language for the first time.
Mexico – Audio Bibles for The Huichol (4-2-002)
Distribution: 500 Audio Bible Players Funding Total: $14,000
Audio Bibles for African Youth and Shepherds
Place & Countries Involved: Senegal, Africa Details: Pastor Raul Ponce, a longtime friend of DBS and pastor of Spring’s First Baptist Church, asked for materials for a missionary to take to Senegal. Products Distributed: 30 Audio Bibles & 50 Bible Libraries Goals of Distribution: Due to high rates of illiteracy as well the predominant rural…
Digital Bibles for the Pima Bajo of Mexico
Place & Countries Involved: Chihuahua, Mexico Resources Distributed: 25 Audio Bibles & 100 microSDs Goals of Distribution: Digital Bible Society partnered with the End Bible Poverty initiative in Mexico. Delivery & Distribution Summary In October of 2020, our staff travelled to the Mexican state of Chihuahua to train missionaries and equip them with resources for…
Mexico – Audio Bibles for Mexico’s Illiterate, Indigenous Churches (4-1-002)
Distribution: 1,680 Audio Bible Players Funding Total: $48,000
Digital Bibles for African Communities
Countries Involved: Undisclosed, on Open Doors’ World Watch List Details: Our partners minister to many villages around the area, specifically partnering with an elementary school and other missionaries to Africa. Resources Distributed: 9 Audio Bibles & 45 Bible Libraries Goals of Distribution: This distribution was geared at seeing the reception of the resources among this…