What Is the Bible Gap? Part III

In prior blogs we have stated that the Bible Gap is composed of the number of Christians who do not possess a Bible or New Testament in both a language and format that they can understand. We have also shown that this problem is occurring primarily in the Global South nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The estimates are, that this problem is affecting over 1 billion Christians worldwide.

Why is this problem occurring? What are the factors that are contributing to this great tragedy plaguing the Church? In todays’ blog, I will look at some research that will help explain these factors.

Most of the research will come from a doctoral thesis that studied this problem, entitled “Closing the Bible Gap In the Global South.” The research surveyed Church leaders in 30 countries from the Global South. They represent Christians on all three continents. The research did not include the Middle East. Yet, the same factors hold true for Middle Eastern Christians as well.

Here are some of the questions in the survey that were given to the Christian Church leaders.

  1. Does every Christian in your country own a Bible? If not, why?
  2. What are the reasons and/or problems for the answer to the above question?
  3. Are there people groups or language groups in your country that do not have access to the New Testament or the whole Bible?
  4. Can these people groups read another language? Is this sufficient?
  5. Are there non-Christians in your country who want a Bible, but cannot obtain one?
  6. If so, why can they not obtain one?
  7. Is there a shortage of accessible, affordable Bibles in your country?
  8. If God’s Word was more available, do you think this would have an effect upon the growth of Christianity in your country?
  9. What percentage of Christians in your country own a Bible?
  10. Could you rank-order the top reasons for not owning a Bible?

The answer to question number one came back to me at 100%, as No. All 30 countries in the Global South expressed the same answer of not every Christian in their country owning a Bible.

The answers to question 2 were varied, but very similar. In this blog, I am going to give you their own words to describe the reasons and problems they face. I don’t want to candy-coat or white-wash their answers. They are real and raw in how they express the struggles they face to get Bibles.

Here are their reasons- “Cannot afford”, “Too expensive”, “Poverty”, “Don’t see the importance of the Bible”, “High price, Illiteracy, far distance to buy one”, “Very expensive”, “Poor-cannot afford”, Illiteracy, Small quantity printed”, “Cost too high”, “Persecution”, “Poor-cannot afford”, “Cost too high, Illiteracy”, “High price, Illiteracy, Small quantity printed”, “Too expensive”, “Very expensive”, “High price, Poverty”.

As you can see and hear in their own words, there are common reasons. However, there is more information that was discovered as to why?

When the leaders were asked to give the underlying reasons and problems for the above answers, they gave us more information. You can feel their frustration with this Bible access problem. Again, I will let their answers speak with their own words.

“High profit motive of those who sell, high cost”, “cost of a Bible is high, those who provide Bibles are commercial ventures”, “distribution is based on a desire to make money, so the cost of a Bible is quite high”, “poverty”, “Bible costs more than most can afford”, “persecution and pressure from the government”, “poverty and illiteracy”, “most Christians are in rural areas and live in poverty”, “those who sell Bibles do so to make a profit.”

For the most part, there are common problems, struggles, and frustrations that Christians face in the countries of the Global South. The first is poverty. In the midst of their poverty, the cost of a Bible is more than most can afford. Second, there is a frustration that many have with the systems that are set up for them to be able to procure the Word of God. They feel like those who sell Bibles are taking advantage of them. In many cases, the cost of a Bible is a week’s wage. When someone is trying to have enough food to survive with very little left over, you can see their perspective.

Now that the problem of the Bible Gap has been established, we need to find solutions to solve it. Every child of God deserves to have access to a Bible they can understand. Every child of God deserves to have access to spiritual food for their daily nourishment.

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God

Matthew 4:4





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