Finding Hope and Healing in Mongolia: How the Bible Uplifts and Supports Those Facing Mental Illness

In the region surrounding Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, resides a young man named Batu*. He and his family are dedicated herders, tending to their livestock with unwavering commitment. Batu faces the challenge of a mental illness that impairs his ability to connect and communicate with those around him. His nights are often plagued by restlessness, but soon, this would change for Batu.


One day, Pastor Davaa* and a team from his church arrived in Batu’s area to share the message of the Gospel. Batu’s family warmly welcomed them into their home, and they listened intently to what was shared. Despite his struggles, Batu felt a deep conviction and accepted Christ into his heart through prayer. Given that Batu is unable to read or write, Pastor Davaa gifted him an Audio Bible in his native language.

From that moment on, Batu embraced a new routine of listening to the Bible daily. As he absorbed the Word of God, the Holy Spirit worked within him, transforming his anxiety into calm and enabling him to engage more meaningfully with others. As Batu learned more about his Creator and the love of God, his nights were finally peaceful and free from restlessness. How amazing is that!

There are several accounts of how exposure to the Bible has helped people who are struggling with their mental health. In March 2021, Baylor University conducted an evaluation of the American Bible Society’s Correctional Trauma Healing Program (CTHP), a volunteer-led initiative offering small group sessions rooted in Scripture for inmates at Riverside Regional Jail in North Prince George, VA.

The research findings were compelling: participants in the program reported a significant reduction in negative emotions, such as depression, anxiety, and frustration when compared to non-participants.

The same is seen in Batu’s story; no mental illness is too great for the impact of God’s Word. The gift of the Bible has proven to be the answer in changing the lives of those struggling with mental health challenges.

Join us in praying that those struggling with mental illness and trauma will, like Batu, gain access to God’s Word. Pray that they would be filled with the peace of Christ that surpasses understanding and find rest amidst their struggles.

*Name changed for security reasons. Representative images used.





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