“Why would God make it impossible for me to understand His Word?”, asked the Muslim man from Syria. He had never learned to read nor write. Even if he had, the Quran must be read in Classical Arabic, and he only speaks Kurdish.
He left Syria as a refugee and entered a new country. Getting by with the help of his teenage son who spoke the local language, he met a couple, and they became friends. As they shared a cup of hot tea in his home, the couple began to tell him about Jesus. The man opened up to the couple. He told them he is angry at God for making it impossible for him to read the Holy Scriptures. The couple remembered a resource they had recently heard of. They told this man about something called an audio Bible.
A few days later, a Kurdish audio Bible left our Digital Bible Society office and made its way into the hands of this couple, who soon gave God’s Word to the man from Syria. He was overjoyed!
Finally, after years of anger and questioning God, he was able to listen and understand His Word. This man has been listening to God’s Word every night and is growing to believe in the God of the Bible, the one who made His Word available to him in his language.
Please note: To protect the privacy of all individuals in this story, no actual images nor names were used.