Over the past 10 years, God has been moving among Chewa people in Malawi. Over 2,000 chiefs have now come to Christ, and they are being discipled by the stronger believers among them. Small Audio Bible Players have been an effective means for disciples to be multiplied among the chiefs, but now they want to reach their own villages for Christ.
In response to this need, Digital Bible Society sent our partners in Malawi 500 Village Players (Audio Bibles loud enough for an entire village to listen). These Village Players were loaded with the Chewa Bible and discipleship materials. The leaders have distributed the audio Bibles to 490 chiefs, including 5 Traditional Authorities who have jurisdiction over large numbers of villages.

At the villages, each chief who received a Village Player is required to teach his community once a week on an agreed upon day. Then, the chiefs meet together at one of 50 Ministry Centers to learn how to teach the Bible and acquire tools that will enable them to become effective and useful to the work.
There are an average of 50 chiefs meeting at each of these centers, which means that close to 2,500 village chiefs are meeting regularly to grow in their faith. At least half of these are actively involved in learning how to become effective spiritual leaders to their respective villages.
Our partners on the field have shared that the Chiefs Ministry is opening new centers every week and there is still a great need for Audio Bibles. There is still much work to be done.

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