A Woman Delivered from Darkness: A Story From Africa

“No more appointments!”, said the nurse, but Hadiza* was persistent. The seizures had nearly killed her on several occasions. She had arrived late and the clinic team was already packing up the supplies. Would someone stop to notice her?

While cleaning up the tables that had served hundreds of patients that week, a missionary saw Hadiza. The missionary stopped to help and approached the woman. Hadiza explained her situation and they began to pray together with the help of a translator. Soon, Hadiza was on the floor unconscious from another bout of seizures. The missionary began to panic but the translator had seen this sort of thing before. He told the missionary that this was a bad spirit.

They continued to pray for Hadiza and cast out the spirit of disease in Jesus’ name. Hadiza seemed to calm down and her body relaxed as if she was sleeping. When Hadiza awoke, she was a different person. Her seizures had left her. She prayed to receive Christ and became a new child of the King!

Hadiza would need discipleship. She was a Muslim woman who had now chosen to follow Christ. Where would she find resources that would help her learn more about Jesus while also protecting her from the persecution she might face?

When Hadiza told them that she speaks a language uncommon to the region, the missionary was amazed. This was the same language that was loaded onto a Digital Bible in the missionary’s pocket, the last of a batch the missionary had taken on this trip. A Digital Bible is small enough to be easily hidden so that Hadiza’s family and friends will be less likely to find out about her choice to follow Christ. The Digital Bible also contains hundreds of hours of Biblical resources, enough to equip church planters, and certainly enough to help Hadiza follow Jesus.

Hadiza was so happy to receive the Bible in her language. God had provided for Hadiza and prepared this divine appointment for her to be set free from darkness. Today, she is free of seizures and learning to walk with Jesus.

*Please note: To protect the privacy of all individuals in this story, no actual images nor names were used.





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