Bibles for Minority People Groups in Ecuador’s Amazon Basin

People groups in the Amazon river basin of Ecuador are receiving the Word of God in their own language. Digital Bible Society is partnering with ABEL (Latin American Evangelical Biblical Alliance) to reach out to the minority people groups in that region. This effort is called the Latin America People Groups Project.

Santiago Bustos leads a Digital Bible Society extension office in Quito, and he also works with ABEL. Santiago has coordinated the translating of Bible studies based on the Gospel of John into the Shuar and Achuar languages. The Gospel of John and these accompanying Bible Studies were then printed for the Shuar and Achuar people (for a total of 4,000 copies). Translation has begun on Bible study lessons for five more minority languages: Quichua, Pastaza, Tsachila, Secoya, and Cofán. These will be printed with the Gospel of John as well.

A second aspect of the People Groups Project is the forming of discipleship centers among these ethnic groups. This is primarily done through using digital Audio Bible Players and Digital Bible Libraries (containing text, audio and video resources.) The printed Gospels of John are also a key part of this discipleship effort. This work is primarily funded through DBS, and we are excited to see how the digital Bible resources are helping make disciples among the minority peoples of Ecuador.





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