Megan’s World Race – 11 Nations in 11 Months

In the Fall of 2018, Megan Gabrielse completed her World Race. DBS partnered with her by sending Audio Bible Players and USB thumb drives in all of the languages of the countries she would be traveling to during this 11-month missionary journey. The nations were Columbia, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, India, Nepal, Armenia, Georgia, Romania, and Spain.

In December, Megan was able to visit the DBS office and share a few stories of how these resources were able to impact the lives of those who received them. One of these stories took place in Colombia, where she was able to see the impact first-hand of the gift of an Audio Bible Player to an older Christian couple, Miguel and Luz Marina, who had never learned to read. When they realized that this small, solar powered device would enable them to listen to the New Testament in their own language in their own home each day, they both began to weep with tears of joy and gratitude.

When the team traveled to Argentina, they were able to share Digital Bible resources with a family that runs a Children’s home that rescues kids of all ages. They were very grateful to receive the Audio Bible and Spanish Treasures USB drive.

In Nepal, Megan’s team was able to visit a small mountain home of an older couple that were new Christians. Over a fire in the middle of the dirt floor, they made tea for Megan and her team (and their interpreter). After visiting together, she learned that they were experiencing direct persecution from their Buddhist family members. She also learned that the woman had never been able to read well, and that the husband was losing his eyesight. Megan was so grateful to be able to pull out the Nepalese Audio Bible and give it to them, explaining through the interpreter how this would allow them to listen to the Words of God every day in the safety of their home. She later found out that they both lay in bed that very night and began listening to the scriptures together. Megan was so blessed knowing that this couple now has God’s Word to strengthen and encourage them as they walk out their new faith in the face of challenges and persecution.

These stories are at the heart of why the Digital Bible Society exists… to ensure that people everywhere, in every language, have access to God’s Word.





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